Thursday, March 24, 2011

Semester 2- Week 7 Letter To The Government What Should The US Reproductive Policy Be Write A Letter To Your Senator Or Representative About What The US Policy Should Be And Why? If There Are Penalties What Are They?

Dear Barbara Boxer,

     I would like to inform of a political issue. Throughout the years more and more people have been coming to the US. Some are natually born on the soil but others are immigrants who trespass to the US for a better life. To be the reason isn't because we have too much immigrants but its because the US don't have a law saying how many babies we Americans could have. There are alreay a lot of people here in America and with the birth rate increasing by a hundred in each year would cause a great deal of over population. In order to that from happening we should only allow immigrants here if only they really need to, and emlinate the growth of babies to the minimum of only 2 babies per house hold that way there won't be a mass change in the gender if the rule is only to have one baby. These are the issues that I am informing you to please fix because we need to get rid of the overpopulation problem in order make the earth a better place and to expand the earth's life of global warming a little longer.

     Thank you for your time and consideration in my letter. I am really grateful to have you as my senator.


Ying Yi Zhang

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Semester 2- Week 6 What Are Two Ways A Population Can Grow Even If The Birth Rate Declines?

           If we decline the birth rate the other two things that could increase population is by reducing the death rate of humans and letting more immigrants in. By doing that we could increase the population without fearing it would decrease. We could decrease death rate by having people go to the doctors for a check up every month to see how there conditions are, that way if they do get sick we would know within  month and we could stop it by spreading out. If we let more immigrants in that would help because they could help increase population by just being there and if the law say we could only have one kid we could let them in so they could help us by at least producing one kid. So even if grow rate do decrease there is always a backup plan.

Semester 2- Week 5 Habitat Destruction Has Been Linked To The Loss Of Many Species. Which Of The Biomes Or Ecosystems Do You Feel Is Most Fragile And Endanger? Why?

        If I have to choose which biome is the most endanger one I would pick the Rain Forest Biome because many rude people like to go into there habitat and snatch special species so they could earn a great amount of profit out of it. They don't realize that the animals are there for a reason and that the rain forests are their homes. Many people are always trying to take the rain forest down so they could build more homes for us humans to live in but I say that we should leave the rain forest alone and build houses somewhere else because that is the home for the animals.
        This is why I think Rain Forest is the most endanger biome. People try to take over the rain forest by building more homes and taking away the habitat of it. If we stop doing what we do then we could help save it from being endanger.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Smester 2- Week 4 Give An Example Of How A Species Affects A Biome And A Biome Affects A Species

            I believe there is a strong relationship between biomes and species. Although biome provide species its habitat but they interact with each other that makes biome more active and interesting. Species need to live in the biome to attract more sea creatures so they would want to move in to it and it will help make the biome grow, without them biomes wouldn't stay alive for a long time. 
             For example the coral reef biome provide a habitat for the sea anemone when its habitat stays there for its entire life and decorate the coral reef biome. It will attract more fishes to move there and start a new life. It will make the biome more acrtive and alive, like when you buy a house you need people to live in it so when they move it would attract people to want to move there because of who lived there. 

Semester 2- Week 3 Describe The Common Parts Of A River (Riparian) Habitat

     The two common parts in river habitat are abiotic components and biotic components. Abiotic components are consist of non-living components . Biotic components are consist of living organisms such as plants or animals.
     Abiotic components that are found in river habitat include air, water, rock, and sunlight. Air supplies oxygen to living organisms in river habitat, making a relation. Water help make them stay alive. These organisms such as lotuses and fishes need water to live. Rock works as a habitat too. Some organisms could be crabs, shrimps, and mayflies. Sunlight gives  significant result in photosynthesis process, make a relation with autotroph organisms.
     Biotic components that found in river habitat are fishes, crabs, eels, mayflies, frogs, and shrimps. There are plants and autotroph organisms as well such as lotuses, moss, lilies, and algae. There are some protists as well such as dinoflagellates, ciliated protozoa, and diatoms. Many organisms are out there, each organisms make a relation with others and it make an ecosystem.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Semester 2- Week 2 Which Biome Would You Most Like To Visit? Why?

          I think I would most likely to visit the Tropical Rain Forest because I always wonder what it is like to go inside a forest and look around. Although the atmosphere of the Tropical Rain Forest may not feel good because you'll probably feel all sticky and a lot of mosquito might come to bite you and make you feel all itchy but I think it is worth a try to go and take a look inside the Tropical Rain Forest. 
          I want to go in and find some weird species that I haven't seen before and it is a fun adventure to explore mother earth. You could take a lot of beautiful pictures while touring inside the forest. It would just be a really fun experience to have and you could just do an one in a life time thing. For me I like to go and have fun adventure so a forest would seem like a most likely biome place to visit for me because I never been to one before. :OOO

Semester 2: Week 1-Describe Some Of The Relationships Between Organisms You Believe Are Happening On Campus. (i.e. predator/prey) Give At Least Three Examples

You may know that there are a lot of organism on school campus. Those organism are mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, predation, & competition.
Mutualism means that both organisms gets the benefit. Example :
1. Birds to Flowers. Birds feed on the flower and the flower gets the pollen
2. Bees to Flowers. Same as above 
3. Butterflies to Flowers. Same as above
Commensalism means one organism get benefit, another one is neither harmed nor helped. Example :
1. Bird and trees, birds make a home from the tree which shows no harm
2. Moss and trees, some moss live and grow on trees, that shows no harm
3. Beetles and trees, some beetles make a home out of tree which shows no harm
Parasitism means one get benefit and the other is adversely affected. Example :
1. Tracheal mites with honeybees
2. Weeds and vegetables, weeds destroy the vegetables
3. Weeds and flowers, weeds destroy the flowers
Predation means consumption of one species by another. Example :
1. Birds and worms, birds eat worms
2. Worm and vegetables, worm eat vegetables
3. Snail and vegetables, snail eats the leaves
Competition means two or more individuals compete in collecting resources :
1. Worm and snail fight for plant's leaves
2. Butterflies and bees both fight for flower cause they provide the nectar for them
3. Skunk and cat both fight for food by the food that are left during the daytime by students