Thursday, March 10, 2011

Semester 2- Week 5 Habitat Destruction Has Been Linked To The Loss Of Many Species. Which Of The Biomes Or Ecosystems Do You Feel Is Most Fragile And Endanger? Why?

        If I have to choose which biome is the most endanger one I would pick the Rain Forest Biome because many rude people like to go into there habitat and snatch special species so they could earn a great amount of profit out of it. They don't realize that the animals are there for a reason and that the rain forests are their homes. Many people are always trying to take the rain forest down so they could build more homes for us humans to live in but I say that we should leave the rain forest alone and build houses somewhere else because that is the home for the animals.
        This is why I think Rain Forest is the most endanger biome. People try to take over the rain forest by building more homes and taking away the habitat of it. If we stop doing what we do then we could help save it from being endanger.

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