Thursday, May 26, 2011

Semester 2- Week 14 What Energy Sources Are Technology Limited? Give At Least Two Examples What Energy Resources Are Resource Limited? Give At Least Two Examples

Energy sources that are technology limited are hoover dam and solar panels. Hoover Dam provides a vast supply of renewable energy, which is fed across a significant area of the US.  This type of energy has no associated greenhouse gas emissions, although emissions were created and released during its construction phase.The solar panel make use of renewable energy from the sun, and are a clean and environmentally sound means of collecting solar energy.

Wind energy generators are resource limited, also called as wind turbines. Wind turbines are used to generate electricity from the kinetic power of the wind. They were more frequently used as a mechanical device to turn machinery. There are two main kinds of wind generators, those with a vertical axis, and those with a horizontal axis. Wind turbines can be used to generate large amounts of electricity in wind farms both onshore and offshore. The articles on this page are about wind turbines.

So are landfills, a secure landfill is a carefully engineered depression in the ground or built on top of the ground, resembling a football stadium into which wastes are put. The aim is to avoid any hydraulic water related connection between the wastes and the surrounding environment, particularly groundwater. Basically, a landfill is a bathtub in the ground a double lined landfill is one bathtub inside another. Bathtubs leak two ways: out the bottom or over the top.

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