Thursday, May 19, 2011

Semester 2-Week 15 Write A Letter To Senator Feinstein Describing What Alternative Energy Source You Think We Should Be Pursuing. Give At Least Three Reasons Why.

Dear Senator Feinatein,
       I had a couple things in mind and one of which is potential for delivering adequate power for electricity and vehicles.  I choose this one because the things that comes out of cars and trucks is what causes the environmental damage.  Which is the smog.  If we think about it we can use a lot of natural energy sources.  But of course it will take time to build resources to use but it is worth a try. Something I also was thinking about was solar panels.  People do not realize how much energy we use throughout the day.  And no one does anything when it comes to being in danger.
       Fossil fuels have become a huge environmental issue and we are beginning to run out of them. There are many different forms of energy that we could be using to help save the environment and will not run out, or will last longer than fossil fuels. One alternative energy source that we could use is wind energy. It's natural and will give jobs to people since the machines need to be cared for very much. Another energy source we can use is solar energy which is also all natural. The last energy source that would be great to use is  Hydro energy. All of these are great and do not add any danger to the environment. However, on their own they don't provide much energy so it would be smart to use these alternative energy sources all together. 
Ying Yi Zhang

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