Thursday, April 21, 2011

Semester 2- Week 11 Is What Happened To Farmer Barry Fair? What Would Have Been A Better Outcome?

     To my knowledge of what happened to Barry the farmer is not fair. Monsanto was harsh and rude to him. They want to take over people crops so they could plant some bacteria in them and endangering the crops because crop should be naturally planted. The jury decided to side with them fearing that Monsanto might do something.They have complete over the crops because people let them and the authorities won't do anything to help stop them. Barry's farm was a pure one until they decided to take over it.
     What should have been done is that the jury should had convict Monsanto of stealing Barry's farm to plant bacteria in them so they could grow scientifically. They should had prevent him from destroying the naturally planted crops. It just show that Monsanto is greedy by sewing Barry's farm and stealing his farm by shoving him money. 

Smester 2- Week 10 What surprised you most from your food analysis? Are there any categories you should be concerned about?

Something that surprised me was that I don't have enough Vitamin A in my body system and that I need more of that so I could improve my eye sight. It said that I need more of that and that I have too much Vitamin C. I should lower down on my Vitamin C because having too much of something is a bad thing because it could be poisonous and you'll never know what will happen. You should always have a fair amount of food to eat that is what I learn so don't eat too much of something or too little of something. If you eat too much of something you could get poison from it and too little of something you are lacking the nutrition of it. 

Semester 2- Week 9 Research A Culturally Different Food That You Have Never Eaten (i.e. Rattlesnake, Dog, Raw Monkey Brains, Grasshoppers) What Are Its Nutritional Benefits? Find A Recipe For This Food Post Both The Nutritional Benefits And The Recipe In Your Blog. If Possible Include A Picture.

        In China and Korea people eat dog meat. Dog meat refers to edible parts and the flesh derived from (predominantly domestic) dogs. Human consumption of dog meat has been recorded in many parts of the world, including ancient China, ancient Mexico, and ancient Rome. According to contemporary reports, dog meat is consumed in a variety of countries such as Switzerland, China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Korea. In addition, dog meat has also been used as survival food in times of war and/or other hardships. In contemporary times, some cultures view the consumption of dog meat to be a part of their traditional cuisine, while others consider consumption of dog to be inappropriate and offensive. In response to criticisms, proponents of dog meat have argued that distinctions between livestock and pets is subjective while countering that those critical of dog meat consumption are guilty of cultural supremacy, if not racism. Eating dog is forbidden under Muslim and Jewish Dietary law.  
          People in China loves to eat dog meat because it tastes good that is why a lot of people criticize us for being cruel on eating dog meat. They say is animal abuse in which I agree because I wouldn't eat DOG meat ever!

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 1,096 kJ (262 kcal)
Carbohydrates 0.1 g
- Dietary fiber 0 g
Fat 20.2 g
Protein 19 g
Water 60.1 g
Vitamin A equiv. 3.6 μg (0%)
Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.12 mg (9%)
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.18 mg (12%)
Niacin (Vit. B3) 1.9 mg (13%)
Vitamin C 3 mg (5%)
Calcium 8 mg (1%)
Iron 2.8 mg (22%)
Phosphorus 168 mg (24%)
Potassium 270 mg (6%)
Sodium 72 mg (3%)
Ash 0.8 g


Monday, April 11, 2011

Semester 2- Week 8 Your Choice Talk Aout Something You Learned Or Ask A Question About Something That Is Confusing You

Throughout the year in the Enviro class I learn about ecosystem, over population, population growth, biomes, food web, food chain, and pyramid population. The subject I come to like is overpopulation because I agree with the book on how they said the earth is being over populated by humans and they are destroying animals home to make more houses for humans to live in. My opinion is that we don't need that many humans because we have too much. I also learn about obesity in America and how we are the top listed for having obese people, and that we should start eating healthier and stop eating so many fast food places. There are more things that I learned in Enviro class but I'll just talk about these.