Thursday, April 21, 2011

Semester 2- Week 11 Is What Happened To Farmer Barry Fair? What Would Have Been A Better Outcome?

     To my knowledge of what happened to Barry the farmer is not fair. Monsanto was harsh and rude to him. They want to take over people crops so they could plant some bacteria in them and endangering the crops because crop should be naturally planted. The jury decided to side with them fearing that Monsanto might do something.They have complete over the crops because people let them and the authorities won't do anything to help stop them. Barry's farm was a pure one until they decided to take over it.
     What should have been done is that the jury should had convict Monsanto of stealing Barry's farm to plant bacteria in them so they could grow scientifically. They should had prevent him from destroying the naturally planted crops. It just show that Monsanto is greedy by sewing Barry's farm and stealing his farm by shoving him money. 

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